Monday, November 28, 2011

I thought it might be fun to have people take this quiz, and see how much of the information I have posted has been absorbed...

click !

I am very interested to see the scores of my friends and peers.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Eastern world color comprehension:

Marriage: White and Pink are favorite just as in the western world.
Green: Eternity, Family, Harmony, Health, Peace, Posterity
Happiness: Red.
Helpful:  Gray
Wealth: Blue, Gold and Purple
White: Children, Helpful people, Marriage, Mourning, Peace, Purity, Travel
Gold: Strength, Wealth
Evil or Saddness: Just like in the western world: Black.


Power, Sexuality, Sophistication, Formality, Elegance, Wealth, Mystery, Fear, Evil, Unhappiness, Secrecy, Depth, Style, Evil, Sadness, Remorse, Anger, Anonymity, Underground, Technical, Mourning, Death.

Dark humor, or black humor, is considered morbid or unhealthy gloomy humor.


Reverence, Purity, Birth, Simplicity, Cleanliness, Peace, Humility, Precision, Innocence, Youth, Winter, Snow, Good, Sterility, Marriage

In western cultures, white symbolizes death.
In Eastern cultures, white symbolizes cold and clinical.


Security, Reliability, Intelligence, Staid, Modesty, Dignity, Maturity, Solid, Conservative, Practical, Old age, Sadness, Boring.
SILVER symbolizes calm.

In England, Gray is spelled Grey.


Earth, Stability, Hearth, Home, Outdoors, Reliability, Humility, Poverty, Comfort, Endurance and Simplicity.

During medieval times, peasants and common folk wore brown, because it represented poverty and plainness, and was also among the cheapest of color dyes.


Nature, Enviroment, Healthy, Good luck, Renewal, Youth, Spring, Generosity, Fertility, Jealousy, Inexperience, Envy, Misfortune, Vigor, Money,

In ancient Greece, Green symbolized victory.


Energy, Balance, Enthusiasm, Warmth, Vibrant, Expansive, Flamboyant, Demanding of attention.

It is said that the brain absorbs more oxygen when seeing the color orange.


Royalty, Nobility, Spirituality, Ceremony, Mysterious, Transformation, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Cruelty, Arrogance.
LAVENDER symbolizes femininity, grace and elegance.

According to color theory, it is said that a child's imagination development will be boosted by painting the walls of their room purple.

Peace, Tranquility, Cold, Calm, Stability, Harmony, Unity, Trust, Truth, Confidence, Conservatism, Security, Cleanliness, Order, Loyalty, Sky, Water, Technology, Depression
TURQUOISE symbolizes calm. LIGHTER TURQUOISE has a feminine appeal

The color blue is an appetite suppressant.


Joy, Happiness, Betrayal, Optimism, Idealism, Imagination, Hope, Sunshine, Summer, Gold, Philosophy, Dishonesty, Cowardice, Jealousy, Deceit, Illness, Hazard and Friendship.

In Egypt and Burma, the color yellow signifies mourning.


Love and Romance, Caring, Acceptance, Tenderness and Calm.

Though many mistake pink to be it's own color, it is actually a tint of red.


Excitement, Energy, Love, Passion, Desire, Speed, Strength, Power, Heat, Aggression, Danger, Fire, Blood, War, Violence.

Red is also the most attractive color to the human eye. Objects that are red can appear bigger than they actually are, which can make this an unflattering color to wear.
Color Symbolism - The Use of a color to convey a certain feeling or meaning.

Color symbolism is part of the giant lexicon of essential knowledge in the graphic design and advertising world. The meaning behind colors often vary from culture to culture. For example, did you know that in a lot of Asian countries the color of mourning is actually lavender as opposed to black? Did you know that, in India, a bride to be will not select a white wedding dress, instead she will be wed in yellow. A woman in China will be wed in red.

A lot of advertising companies use color symbolism as well. Did you know, that Dunkin' Donuts chose the colors pink and orange to convey "fast" and "cheap" ?
 There are endless facts, opinions, and factors that I plan to explore within the posts of this blog. Please stay tuned for more!